Sandberg@Mediapark is an annual masterclass organized by the Sandberg Institute and Mediapark. For the edition of Artifcial Imagination I made a concept and design for the fictional application IkbenGezond.
The app monitors your health by means of activities and questions to determine your health insurance premium. But what happens if the shared health data is used to the disadvantage of the user? The project draws attention to the feasibility of our health. I made designs for the application, social media posts and presentations for collaborations with funds.
IFFR (International Film Festival Rotterdam) screens fiction- and documentary features, short films, and media art. The festival focuses on talented new makers and searches for stories in unexpected places.
During the festival film makers are selected for multiple award competitions, chosen by the audience and selected juries. To celebrate the award winners, this infographic visualises the origin countries of the winning makers from 2021 to 2024.
In 2015 de term refugee crisis became official. The responses on social media about the influx of refugees gave the motivation to visualize a reverse scenario.
By making the social theme personal: a video in the form of a smartphone interface. This created the possibility to communicate the storytelling by means of personal and hardware notifications. To create therefore an intimate experience. And the chance for the visitor to experience uncertainties and displacement of the protagonist.
In the data visualization, the focus is on the relationship between vegetable consumption and age expectations. The goal was to visualize connections between the different data sets.
20 Countries and their vegetable consumption are compared with the average age expectation, what each country produces in services and goods in 2020 and the number of inhabitants in 2020 each country had.
Rehearsing the Revolution is a project initiated by art collective SPACE. We developed the Collaborative Game in collaboration with SPACE and media artist Esther Verhamme.
The project facilitates a model which is supported through fictional storytelling to bring together different parties. The parties will play in search for common ground and set up a roadmap with scenarios for the future in which Deep Economy is established. In addition, I designed and created a visual language that is applied on the website, in videos, social media, performances, offline and online.
Sandberg@Mediapark is an annual masterclass organized by the Sandberg Institute and Mediapark. In the edition, Unmapping Europe, Europe as an identity was researched, questioned and interpreted by 7 teams.
In collaboration with graphic designer Birte Veenkamp, I designed a visual language, for which we integrated the flags of the EU members. The shape and color language gave us the opportunity to design new flags and communication tools.